I'm going to start throwing out collages a lot because they're so darn fun. know what else is fun? organizing things (nerdalertnerdalert). But srsly. i am anal retentive about organizing and it just MAKES ME HAPPY. so there.
you have your;
stolen girlfriends club ripped jeans ,
grey jacket from helmut lang (i am seriously starting to fall in love with helmut lang...we're not talking puppy love folks, we're talkin true love. i wanna tie the knot with one of his leather jackets), gorgeous
lame csociety dress,
black acne heels (is acne killin it or what),
alexander wang heels with gold buckles (drool),
green acne jacket,
two jackets from nastygal (the blonde model in the center and the model with the hat),
minimum colourful cardigan (so different...i love it),
louis de gama peach/black dress,
DVF bedazzled cardigan, and last but not least, an
elizabeth and james dress (simple but with an edge. need it.)
sources: netaporter, pixiemarket, nastygal
just started a new job and...well...anybody have awkward memories of their first shift? (well it was more training...first real shift starts next week)...nothing that crazy happened it was just...awkward. yknowwhatimean? blech. but i think in the long run i'll like it :)
hopefully someeeeee outfit posts this week?